Shingles damaged on house roof

Check Your Home for Wind Damage!

Derek Perzylo

October 18, 2017


  • Look for shingles, asphalt debris, eavestrough damage, soffit harm, and siding issues to assess wind impact from below.
  • Without risking safety, check for shingles folding, bowing, or loosely attached, signaling potential future hazards.
  • For thorough, safe damage assessment and repairs, consider hiring licensed, equipped professionals for residential or commercial services.

Wow, that was some intense wind! Environment Canada issued a wind warning for Calgary (and many other areas in central Alberta).

Calgary saw gusts top 100 km/hr. With Winds Like That, You’ll Want to Inspect Your Home for Damage. Winds gusting that hard can blow shingles off the roof, rip eaves from your home, and damage your siding.

Minor damage like that may not cause a problem right now, but when the snow falls/melts/freezes/thaws, it’ll cause big problems later. The best course of action is to repair any damage as soon as possible. You can get a good idea of how your home fared without needing to get up on the roof (though you will need to do so to get a complete picture). There are several indicators of damage that you can see from the ground.

From the Ground…

  • Check your property, driveway, and any other accessible area for shingles. Wind can tear them right off the roof and send them flying.
  • Check the ground beneath your downspouts. If you find a lot of black asphalt/dirt, it suggests that your shingles were impacted quite a bit. That means that damage may have occurred.
  • Look at your eavestrough for any new dents, dings, or bends. In particular, you are looking for any areas that sag or are loose- these should be removed and replaced ASAP.
  • Assess your soffit for damage. Flying sticks and other debris can damage these during wind storms.
  • Check your siding for obvious damage. Vinyl siding panels should be fairly snug. Note that you’re checking for both fit as well as for holes/punctures.

From the Roof…

We don’t recommend you go up on the roof unless you are experienced and able to do so safely.

  • Check shingles that look to be folding up at the corners.
  • Look for shingles that appear bowed or arched. If you find any, check to see how secured they are to your roof. These may represent a hazard if winds pick up again.

Damaged Eavestrough in South Calgary - October 18, 2017

If You Need a Professional, We Can Help. If this is the scene outside your bedroom window, give us a call.

We are licensed, bonded, insured, and properly equipped to service both residential and commercial buildings.

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